Friday, February 12, 2010


by Steve Crow

Snow is a mind falling,
a continous breath of climbs,
loops, spirals, dips into the earth
like white fireflies wanting
to land, finding a wind between houses
diving like moths into their own light
so that one wonders if snow is a wing's
long memory across winter.

I love this poem! Would you believe that baby Shakespeare introduced me. I think this may be my favorite.

The children were excited about the snow. Joel played outside for a little while. The twins went out for about 20 minutes and Sarah came in crying. She was cold and wet. The boys were not far behind. Snow falling is so peaceful! I love to curl up by a fire with a book and hot tea beside a window. I love these days. Unfortunatly in the south we do not get many snow days. They are usually ice days.

As I was taking Sarah and Joel to school this morning Sarah said, "Mom, I think my teacher would love it for me to bring her flowers for Valentine's Day! I think she would like that." She is so sweet. I am trying to teach them to think of others and do things to let others know that they are appreciated. Maybe it is working. . . Although, on the way home she said, "I am not sharing my candy! Never, Never! It is mine."

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

So many things so little time

Both boys were sick last week. I spent the week in the rocker with children in my lap. I made a 1:30 am trip to the grocery store for Mortrin. That night Joel's temp, about 20 minutes after Tylenol was 103.7 degrees. I am thankful that I did not have to call in to work to say that I would not be coming in last week. That is the great thing about selling Southern Living at HOME. After being in the house all week, I was ready to get out by weeks end!!

There are so many little things that happened over the last week. I wish that I had written every day. One day, I was at the end of my rope already, I was getting something from the refrigerator and when I stood up. . . I whacked my head on the freezer handle! I still have a bruise on my head. That was about 5 nights ago.

After the doctor checked Jacob and left the room he layed on the little couch and said, "I am waiting on Dr. Greene!" I explained that she was busy seeing other children and did not have any appointments that day. He said, "Well, I want to make an appointment!" This says so much about our favorite pediatrician, Dr. Greene! I think it was by the grace of God that Sarah and I did not get Strep too!!

We got freezing rain on Friday night and Saturday. This made for a mess. Basketball games were canceled and we only had one church service on Sunday. I do not think that I have ever been so excited to attend a service as I was on Sunday!

I was disappointed with my January. My sales were not where I wanted them to be. I really want to earn that trip to Atlantis for myself and Jason! Nothing quite like a vacation when someone else pays the expenses. I was on a conference call last night and heard one consultant state that she has a lunch for her hostesses each year. I am thinking about starting that too.

I found out last week that not is our family adding a little girl but a boy too! Both of Jason's brother's families are adding a child. This will be Jeff and Jeni's third. A first for Joe and Jennifer. I am excited for them and pray that the children will be healthy. Sarah informed me the other day that she was going to give her baby cousin a bath! Wow! Jeni really chuckled when I told her of Sarah's pronouncement.

Speaking of Sarah. . . I just do not understand her fascination with toothbrushes! She will not leave them alone. Joel caught her with his toothbrush yesterday. She was scrubbing her legs! Do I need to bathe her more?

Something that bothers me. I try not to be guilty myself. Do not make decisions for other adults. Do not decide weather they can make a purchase or have time for a task. Let that person decide for him or herself! If someone else had made a decision for me a couple of years ago I would have missed so many blessings!

While I am on peeves. . . I also do not like it when people leave grocery buggies in the parking lot without putting them in the return. LAZY!! I am so happy that less and less people are smoking in public. Walking out of a building into a poof of smoke is not my idea of a "breath of fresh air!" Also, no one wants to hear your music at the gas station, drive in, or stop light! Turn it down! Most of the time it is music I do not want my children to hear. This brings me to the peeve of using foul language in public. If you are going to use it at least do not hurt the ears of those around you! It shows not only your lack of respect but your intelligence level too. When you have such a limited vocabulary that you can not think of expletives to replace the unpleasant ones. . . What a sad life. But Jesus still loves you and I do to, just not your word choices!

Still, I am triply blessed!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What Next?

One never knows what will happen here!

Yesterday Sarah fell and busted her chin. I thought she would have to have stitches. She did not, but she is sporting a Hello Kitty band aid on the bottom of her chin. Today she would not get ready for school. Once out of the bed she laid in the floor and would not get dressed. When it was time to take Joel to school, I left her at home. She screamed and screamed. (Jason was at home.) Just now, she tried to pour herself juice. . . Well I had a mess to clean up as you can imagine.

Jacob pooped in his pants again. He had been told and shown how to clean him self if he should do it again. Well, he refused to take the pull up off and attempt to clean up. . . Jason had to come inside from working to see to him while I got Joel from school. I refuse to just clean him on demand. He is 3 1/2 and knows how to go to the bathroom.

Joel, who never fails to provide laughter, told me on the way home from school that I am too young to be an aunt! He is my favorite first child!!

I started on First Place for Health last night. I have done well so far today, 805 calories and dinner to go! I am thinking that I may make cubed steak for supper. Our Bible study is on the fruits of the spirit. This chapter is on Love. God created us and gave us free will. We, Eve, chose to dis obey God. He did not turn His back on us. He continued to love us. Today's scripture is 1 John 4:7-16, where John makes a case for love.

Above all I am triply blessed!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

I could not make it without my GOD and my mother!! Thanks to both!! I have been sick since December 21st. Mama has helped with the kids during doctor appointments. I sell Southern Living at HOME, and my mother helps with the children so often. I had a meeting today and she was with them for about 6 hours. . . I know that she is tired! I do not know what I would ever do without her help!

Jacob said tonight that he "yikes trnaillini!" (likes tortellini). I can't help but smile at him. It is so cute! Of course that is what we had tonight. He is making progress on potty training. Yippee!! I hope that in a couple of weeks he will be in big boy underwear all day. I can't wait! I am so tired of buying pull ups! At least his twin, Sarah, is trained.

Sarah said tonight that she wants to be like the princesses on her book bag. I told her that she is my princess and she said, "No, I am not like these!" She is so sweet and she loves hugs and kisses. She did get in trouble at school yesterday. She talked during prayer and had to sit in the "Think Chair." Not good!

I am not sure why Joel does not want to clean up his Lego's. Today is the fourth day that I have told him to put them away. I do think that he is working on them now.

I am so thankful for the health of my family. I have a dear friend who has a 4 year old that is experiencing heart problems. . . My heart and prayers go out to them.

No matter I am Triply Blessed!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Catch up!

I have not written lately because I have been sick, my husband has been out of town for a couple of days, and I have been working on potty training my youngest son. I did not have this much trouble out of the first two. Jacob is 3 1/2, one would think that he would want to use the potty instead of his pants. . . Sunday night, I was home sick, he pooped his pants and would NOT let anyone change him. He came home with a dirty bottom and said he did it because he "wanted to sit in it." Now, I think he got that from someone else because normally he comes to me and asks to be changed. Maybe he is starting to get some pride. . . I hope that it helps! He did poop in the potty yesterday. He got to choose a prize and got a slinky.

Today Sarah got upset with me because I gave a coat to the school for a child that may need one. She already has one and was given another. She said, "I want two coats!" I explained that Jesus would want her to give the other one to a little girl that needed it. She was not happy.

I realize more every day that we are so blessed! I have heard many stories lately of people who do not have heat in their homes. There was even one man, who was living in a tent, that froze to death in the last couple of days. Thank you God for your many blessings!!

The children have been fighting lately. I guess they know I do not feel well. Also they need to go outside and run! It has been in the thirties all week. Too cold to play outside much. I read, in a magazine, the other day about a mother that makes her children sit on the couch and hold hands when they fight. If that does not work they have to hug for 5 minutes and if that doesn't work they have to give kisses for 5 minutes. She said once they get finished they love each other and it rarely gets past the hugging.

I hope to have more to post tonight. Until then I am Triply Blessed!

Just a thought

A dear friend sent me an e-mail yesterday. I think this is thought provoking and cute. I love the picture that goes along with it.


A message every adult should read because children
are watching you and doing as you do, not as you say.

When you thought I wasn't looking I saw you hang my
first painting on the refrigerator, and I immediately
wanted to paint another one.

When you thought I wasn't looking I saw you feed a
stray cat, and I learned that it was good to be kind
to animals.

When you thought I wasn't looking I saw you make my
favorite cake for me, and I learned that the little
things can be the special things in life.

When you thought I wasn't looking I heard you say a
prayer, and I knew that there is a God I could always
talk to, and I learned to trust in Him.

When you thought I wasn't looking I saw you make a
meal and take it to a friend who was sick, and I
learned that we all have to help take care of each other.

When you thought I wasn't looking I saw you take care
of our house and everyone in it, and I learned we have
to take care of what we are given.

When you thought I wasn't looking I saw how you
handled your responsibilities, even when you didn't
feel good, and I learned that I would have to be
responsible when I grow up.

When you thought I wasn't looking I saw tears come
from your eyes, and I learned that sometimes things
hurt, but it's all right to cry.

When you thought I wasn't looking I saw that you
cared, and I wanted to be everything that I could be.

When you thought I wasn't looking I learned most of
life's lessons that I need to know to be a good and
productive person when I grow up.

When you thought I wasn't looking I looked at you and
wanted to say, 'Thanks for all the things I saw when
you thought I wasn't looking'


Each of us (parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, teacher, friend)
influences the life of a child.

How will you touch the life of someone today? Just by
sending this to someone else, you will probably make
them at least think about their influence on others.
Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply.

Speak kindly.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Why do boys around the age of 8 decide baths are no longer necessary? Joel argued with me again today about a shower. I did get him to take one. He got out quickly and wanted to eat a snack before church. When I asked if he had washed this and that he had to think to answer. That let me know that the true answer was a resounding NO! I had to send him back into the shower. I just don't understand that one.

Sarah, again today, was not happy with anything. I did, however, get her to take a nap this afternoon. She did not eat supper and ended going to bed instead. I am not sure why she did not eat we had beef stroganoff. It was good, if I do say so myself.

Jacob pooped in his pants tonight at church and would not let anyone change him. He said that he "wants to sit in his poop." I am sure that he got that little comment form Jason, my husband, asking if he wanted to just sit in it on the ride home. He only wanted me to change him. (I stayed home tonight. I have not felt well today.)

Tomorrow we start with a treasure box for going to the potty. I am so tired of using diapers, not to mention that he is outgrowing them. I have to change his "I don't want to use the potty" to I am going to use only the potty. I am thankful for disposable diapers. . .

I have got to start saving money on our groceries too! I am going to try and get better at using coupons. We need to save extra money for a new roof!

Triply Blessed

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Bumps and Bruses

This was quite a day!! The twins have fought all day. Sarah was extra whinny today. Nothing was done fast enough or to her liking. Jacob, 3, insisted on playing in an ant bed, twice. (Yes, fire ants are still active in the winter.) Sarah was jumping and hit her chin on a kitchen drawer that was pulled out. Later she decided to pull a 2 liter of Sprite off of the counter, she wanted some of the "green juice." Well, the "green juice" fell and the lid part of the bottle hit her in the forehead. She now has a little knot. FYI: a pack of frozen peas works well for an ice pack.

Joel, 8, came home from his grandparents house without a hat and coat unbuttoned. . . it was in the mid thirties today!

To top it off I have a purple bruise on my thigh where I hit it on the CORNER of the end table TWICE! I just got rid of the bruise on my head from the hatch back on the van!

Two things from yesterday that I forgot to report. . . Sarah, miss outspoken, told an older lady, that we saw while shopping, that she did "not have much hair!" She also wanted to know why my father had a big stomach, "Does he have a baby in it?" She then proceeded to talk about having babies in stomachs. She went on to talk about babies in my stomach!! WHAT? She frightened me with that one! I finally understood that she was thinking out loud about her and her brothers having been in my stomach. I love my children dearly, but all I need is another. . .

I am excited to call this one a day. I am, as always, thankful to the Lord God for everyone in my life. I have been asked numerous times how I do it day in and day out. My response is always the same. . . "God gives us the grace to handle what we have to. I have been blessed with family and friends who are more than willing to help!" Thank you Mama for all you do. I could not make it without you!

As always, I am Triple Blessed!

Friday, January 1, 2010

A new year, a new challenge

Well it is a new year, 2010. I remember being a teenager, I never thought I would see this year. The year 2000 seemed so far away. Now I am a mother of 3 and there are NO dull moments in my life!! Nothing seems distant and I have trouble remembering yesterday. I am convinced that children steal your brain cells.

I was thinking about a blog and what I would write. I mentioned it to friends last night and the challenge began. With the children, a husband, and myself the year is pregnant with endless possibilities. Every day has the potential of laughter and learning. The kids are full of energy and so many things happen daily that I want to remember. What better way to remember and brighten someones day. . .

We were home most all day. I am in direct sales and had a party at my home tonight. The children helped and hindered me all day. (Of course, having people over I wanted everything to be perfect.) Sarah, 3, wanted to help. That is, until I gave her a job. Nothing much exciting happened today. Of that, I am thankful!!

My new year challenge, among many, is to share with whom ever the fun of each day being the mother of 3 blessings!!

Until tomorrow,
Triple Blessings