Sunday, January 3, 2010


Why do boys around the age of 8 decide baths are no longer necessary? Joel argued with me again today about a shower. I did get him to take one. He got out quickly and wanted to eat a snack before church. When I asked if he had washed this and that he had to think to answer. That let me know that the true answer was a resounding NO! I had to send him back into the shower. I just don't understand that one.

Sarah, again today, was not happy with anything. I did, however, get her to take a nap this afternoon. She did not eat supper and ended going to bed instead. I am not sure why she did not eat we had beef stroganoff. It was good, if I do say so myself.

Jacob pooped in his pants tonight at church and would not let anyone change him. He said that he "wants to sit in his poop." I am sure that he got that little comment form Jason, my husband, asking if he wanted to just sit in it on the ride home. He only wanted me to change him. (I stayed home tonight. I have not felt well today.)

Tomorrow we start with a treasure box for going to the potty. I am so tired of using diapers, not to mention that he is outgrowing them. I have to change his "I don't want to use the potty" to I am going to use only the potty. I am thankful for disposable diapers. . .

I have got to start saving money on our groceries too! I am going to try and get better at using coupons. We need to save extra money for a new roof!

Triply Blessed

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